Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Groceries - An Update

So I went back to The Cheap Grocery Store.

It's not really that bad, once you get over the bananas in the plastic bags. It has a modest selection of organic produce, most of which I ignored because I'm still trying to get my bearings. I managed to find a number of products I missed the last time, such as my tikka simmer sauce and 7th generation laundry detergent. And other products that I couldn't find in the right packaging, such as the kitty litter I like in the big cardboard boxes instead of the bags or the plastic jugs, I found alternative brands of. And other items, like the greenworks stuff I like to get to clean my floors, I realized I hadn't been finding at my Old Store anyway.

People were friendly and helpful. The deli folks, though not half as comforting as the lady I know at my old store, was three times quicker. This times I bought more of the things I usually do, so the cost was higher, but it was still much less expensive than it would have been.

I still get bothered, though, by the way they have the store laid out. There are frozen foods next to the produce, where they stock frozen pizzas and vegetables and waffles. But all other breakfast items are, inexplicably, clear at the other end of the store with the chicken nuggets and frozen lasagnas. I don't understand why they bothered to split these things up, or why they grouped them together like they did. Shouldn't all breakfast items be together? And the french fries, I think, should be closer to the chicken nuggets.

Steve pointed out that I've been shopping at the same store for six years. So yes, I am used to things being a certain way. I don't want to miss out on something because I'm set in my ways.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

You're like the little mouse whose cheese was moved! But it seems you are negotiating the new maze with alacrity -- you are one smart cookie!

priscilla said...

See the NYT article about EATALYA, Manhattan's latest "grocery store". You think you've got navigational challenges...