Sunday, July 08, 2012

Working It Out

Since I've stopped running I have been battling myself internally.

I found a different workout schedule, mainly P90X. This is a 90 day program with  number of workouts. I started off slowly, but wasn't satisfied, so when I reached Phase 2 (4 weeks into the program) I decided to add an afternoon cardio workout a few days a week, if I could.

The problem with P90X is that most workouts are almost an hour long. Except the yoga, which is over 90 minutes. And the abs workout, which is a 16 minute add on you're supposed to do after other workouts. Quite frankly, I don't feel like I have that much time in my day.

Oh, I made the time. I put working out ahead of everything else. I made my kids wait for breakfast (until after 7am! The horror!) and I sometimes shifted things around in the afternoon if I thought I could get a cardio in. It was A Priority.

And I was careful about my ankle. And I knew my body was changing - I feel stronger. I find certain things easier than before. I FEEL absolutely amazing...

But I didn't lose weight. I gained it. You can chalk thins up to me not doing the nutrition part of the P90x program, or to me eating more pie than usual, but I don't think I've been acting that poorly. In fact, I'm drinking far less than I have been, and not eating more junk than I usually eat. I'm just 10 pounds heavier than I was six months ago. Muscle mass, perhaps? P90x does have me lifting more weights, but I don't go higher than 9 pounds, even when they are lifting 35, for the simple fact that my heaviest set of dumbells is 9 pounds, and I don't really want Tony Horton's biceps. Because I'm a girl. Woman. Sorry.


Also, I mentioned this in yesterday's post, but P90x has a person work out 7 days a week. 2 more days a week than I'm used to. And yes, one of these is the "Stretch" routine, which can also be a "rest" day, but I feel like I'm cheating when I rest.

The other thing is, I've been sick. I got this cold that really knocked me out. I thought my face was going to fall off, and I could hardly even keep an eye on my kids. So workout out was... out. Then there was the 4th of July week, where I skipped two days for the holiday (no P90X on the boat) and a third for having a massive headache. I've been in Phase 2 for something like 7 weeks at this point.

Recently however, I had a doctor's appointment. The ankle doctor. He told me I was all set, and could do what I wanted in terms of working out, as long as I kept doing certain exercises for my calf.

So this morning I took my first run in over 3 months. I ran 5K. It was lovely.

I plan on keeping up with the P90X, with some of the TRX thrown in, but I see no reason to not run a few times every week. I love running. I love it so much I'm getting new sneakers!

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