Monday, September 10, 2012

What the camera looks like

Thanks to my phone, I have taken a picture of my camera.

It sounds like a strange thing to want to do. It's just to show you what the camera looks like at the moment.

If you want to see the zoom blob, go back and look at the photos of the boys on the first day of school. Beautiful photos, colors so bright... but there's this little mystery blur left of center...

It seems odd to think I need a camera when my phone obviously takes photographs.

I know some people get along without a camera just fine, and they take pictures with their phones all of the time. And they have no troubles at all.

 But I am not most people. When I take pictures with my phone I have all sorts of troubles. I can't focus right. I can't get everyone in the screen. I accidentally press the wrong button and instead of taking a picture I keep shutting out of the app.

I use my camera when photo ops come unexpectedly. Not for things like vacations or family gatherings.

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