Friday, July 16, 2010

Thinking Of Stopping

I have been considering taking a break from blogging.

This would be a big step for me. I love blogging. It makes me feel like I'm actually connecting to people, which I don't physically do on a daily basis. And I get to practice writing.

But on the other hand, I spend a lot of time on this blog. More time than I should be spending, perhaps, given the outcome. (It's hardly War And Peace, now, is it?) There are many days I feel I have nothing to write and I'm babbling. And times where I have plenty to say but don't think I should say it, for privacy reasons.

Part of me thinks that, if I stop blogging, I might have more time during the day for other things. I can keep the computer (and the iPad) away for a few days, spend more time with my kids. If I feel lonely I might actually be motivated to go see someone, or call them up, instead of writing a letter to Dear Internet.

On the other hand... I might not be able to make a clean break. I love you, Internet!


Debs said...

I would definitely miss you. But I understand real life trumps blogging. Don't stay away too long if you go.

g. fox said...

Agreed... Fighting the urge to say PLEASE DON'T GO!

Anonymous said...

Oh, No! I can't live without your blog!
jean the mom

Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so. I can't live without your blog

Jules said...

I would greatly miss your blog, but totally understand the need to take a break! Either way I love you and think of you daily!

Jamie said...

Oh my god girl no way are you stopping your blog!!! I look forward to reading this every day! Make the concession somewhere else. Nick is old enough that he can start making dinner for the family while you write a blog entry.

Debs said...

Ot how about let Nick guest post once in a while?!

Jean said...

No pressure -- I'm just sayin' -- but I would miss your blog too.