Saturday, August 28, 2010


Last night we went to Nate and Andy's school.

Here's the thing about me: I hate change. I like things to be predictable. I hate it when the reorganize the shelves at the grocery store. Which, by the way, happens a little too often.

When I signed the boys up for school, I expected things to be more or less like last year. Andy would have Nate's old teacher, a woman I grew to love. Nate would be in the room next door. Or across the hall, depending on which Pre-K class he was put in.

But I had no way of suspecting the success of the school.

See, last year was it's first year, and it ended up with all classes filled, and so many Pre-K kids they had to create an extra class. This year, they not only had enough kids for two Pre-K classes, but enough for two Early Pre-K classes, and that means two classes of kids Andy's age.

There are twice as many teachers, and I'm still confused about which rooms are being used for which classes. Andy's teacher looks like she's twelve, and Nate's teacher looks pretty elderly. I don't want to judge what kind of teachers they are, but I'm wondering what's going to happen the first time Nathan gets frustrated. How is this woman going to wrestle him down?

I think every year starts like this, for me. I question the teacher and the school. I guess there's only one way to find out if this is going to work.

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