Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm Still Here

I didn't mention it beforehand, but now that it is May 22nd and I am still here, and no one has been Raptured, I want to just a couple of things.

OK, first of all, I need to say that I didn't really think the world was going to end yesterday. Mom, you can breathe, it's OK. I also don't personally believe there is such a thing as The Rapture.

But I do hold, in my heart, a sense of something more than myself. A sense of mystery and gratitude. What the heck does this mean?

Well, it means that yesterday, as I was scratching in my yard, trying to figure out how to apply mulch, ruining my fingernails and one of my 2 pairs of good jeans, and sneezing up a storm because I have my annual spring cold, I listened to my boys play. The game they were playing was complicated, and it involved bad guys, flipping a frisbee, running down the driveway, and arguing non-stop over who's turn it was.

"The world could end right now," I thought. "If the world ended right now, I would be at peace."

And before you jump all over me, no, I didn't expect the world to end. Even if there were a rapture I'm sure I'd be here to see the sun rise. More importantly, the feeling didn't last. I woke this morning with bad hair. I yelled at my kids before dinner. The world still has troubles, some that can't be seen for red political tape. But I had that moment.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

You are in an enviable place.

Susan's Losin' said...

God was in that moment of awareness, not some place outside yourself. You've got to celebrate those delicious moments.