Friday, March 16, 2012

Food For Thought

One of the best things about being on the boat was not having to cook. Not only did I not have to rustle up three meals and two snacks a day for a bunch of picky eaters, I didn't even have to think about getting food for myself. Because on this vacation, we got three sit-down meals a day. An extravagant breakfast, a lunch with lunch-dessert, and a three course dinner. This was every day.

And in between we also had coffee in the early morning, a cooler on the deck and a snack basket inside, and a Happy Hour with what someone called "Downers" (a fru-fru drink for when the sun goes down) and hors d'oeuvres.  I gained five pounds just looking at the food.

On top of that, I must mention the table settings. Every single time we sat down it seemed the table was set with cute props in the center piece and fancy folded napkins. It made me love sitting down to the table, even before the nice cook with the New Zealand accent would come up to explain what we were eating.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Teach me how to make those little people napkins with the spoon heads -- very Addams Family!!!