Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Bad Piggies

You may have heard of a game called Angry Birds. If you can read about them in This Post I wrote a couple of years ago.

The boys still love Angry Birds. And now they have Angry Birds in space, which whirls you around planets in smaller and smaller circles until gravity pulls you into the atmosphere and you plummet to the ground. (And so we plummet, and we plummet.... )

More recently, the boys discovered a game calle Bad Piggies. Well, I actually discovered the free demo version and got that to entertain the boys. I let them play the ipad on certain occasions, such as when they practice piano 5 times in a week, or when they've been really really good but we need to wait for a brother to get out of a karate class, or when I need to go vote and there are 5 pages of ballots about zoning preferences with a tiny little detail about the schools in there somewhere.

One day, while synching my ipad, I noticed some weird photos being downloaded to my computer. This is odd because I have a first generation ipad. It does not have a camera. So I shouldn't have any new photos from the ipad.  I clicked on it to take a closer look, and found a screen shot of a pig. A GREEN Pig.

It turns out that this game has a "photo" button which will take a screen shot and save it to my photos. Each time I'd go and try to sync my music, my books, my calendar, the ipad would try to transfer 36 screen shots of bad piggies trying to defend their stolen eggs with oddly constructed vehicles.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Umm, piggies don't have eggs...unless they stole them from those angry birds! But nice that you have pictures of them instead of say, ME!