Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fashion Statement

I let my kids dress themselves. Sometimes I put my foot down and make them change. I have standards. I don't let them wear pants with holes in the knees to school or to church. No sweatpants to church, either. When we travel I pack their clothes. And sometimes when we go someplace with many kids, like a zoo or an amusement park, I insist on coordinating outfits to make them easier to spot in a crowd. (all three wear bright red T-shirts, etc.) 

My mother purchased these pants for Christmas. A family friend calls the "Jackass Pants." If you ask me, if anyone calls pants "jackass pants" then you might want to avoid wearing them. 

Now, I'm not the kind of person that thinks pants make someone a jackass. I respect different tastes. But these pants... they are tough to find something to wear with them.  And Nick has no sense of... matching.  He's kind of like me that way.  Note the hat and the boots.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

He is a major fashion icon here in his own mind. You should save this picture, b/cs once his fashion sense kicks in, & it will!, we can blackmail him!