Saturday, October 05, 2013

Playing Possum

Have I mentioned the dead opossum that was across the street? I know I did, but you might not have caught is, as it was buried in a whole lot of complaining type words.

There was a dead opossum across the street. It wasn't right by our mailbox, it was closer to the neighbor across the street's mailbox. But still, we could see it from the end of the driveway, where the school bus comes to pick up the kids.

I'm not talking about a creature the size of a kitten. I'm talking about a creature about the size of a three month old baby. Still a small creature, but large enough to be not tiny. Bigger than your average cat. Not something a crow would find and carry off and you wouldn't have to think about.

And then on Thursday, the day I made like the government and shut down, the friendly mailman drove right over it as I was trying to convince the boys to go look at something else.

Well, the 'possum saga isn't over.

It isn't over because this morning I tried to catch a peek, just to see if it was still there, if the dead-animal fairy had come in the middle of the night and removed it.

Of course it hadn't been removed.

But it had been moved.

Some wonderful person decided it belonged across the street. In our yard. On the lawn in front of our house. Not too far down, mind you, but far enough in to officially NOT be on the road. No car will accidentally run this thing over and scatter it around for the crows and flies to eat. No. It's on LAWN.

I spent some time thinking maybe it was an animal? Maybe some dog or fox was trying to eat it, but dropped it instead? Across the street?

I'm trying really really hard to come up with a scenario that is NOT the people across the street scooping it up to get it away from their mailbox and dumping it on our property, when there is a perfectly good clump of trees RIGHT THERE they could have hidden it in, along with the downed electrical wire nobody ever seems to want to fix.

I had a hard time removing the dead mouse from my deck a couple of years ago. How will I ever get that decaying possum up? It's just... there's so much else to deal with right now. Why would you do that to another person? WHY? It simply isn't fair.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

This is why I hate neighbors in general!