Wednesday, January 28, 2015

While I Was Out

A lot happened during my hiatus. One of them is that we lost Gunther, our sweet dog.

He'd been having more and more trouble getting up the stairs. He was eating less and less, and drinking and puking up water. One morning I came down the stairs and Gunther was exactly where I'd left him the night before. He wasn't able to lift his head off the floor. He'd puked up water during the night and had tried to get up but only succeeded in rubbing himself in it.

I had to call Steve to help me get him to the car.

It was very fast.

I miss him now that he's gone, but I'm getting used to it. I no longer stumble in the dark when I get up to use the bathroom in the night. He used to sleep in the middle of the room and no matter how I tried to avoid him he always seemed to be right under foot. I don't feel the same pressure to vacuum. We no longer had to worry about filling his water bowl or letting him in and out and in and out...

On the other hand, I get lonely when the kids aren't here. Puck and I watch TV but it's not the same. Also, I vastly underestimated the amount of food we dropped on the floor after dinner.

I miss that dog.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Good ole, Gunther! He was an excellent dog!

Anonymous said...

oh Kathleen! I just rediscovered your wonderful blog and plan to be much better about keeping up on you! so sorry about Gunther. big hugs. xx