Wednesday, June 17, 2009

He didn't get it from ME!

Today I went to the grocery store with the boys, where Nicholas asked me to buy him a pack of lip balms. Chapsticks. Specifically, skittles flavored lip smackers.

The conversation went something like this:

ME: No.

Nick: But I WANT THEM!

ME: No.

Nick: But Mohhhhhmmmmm!

ME: You don't need them and there's no way I'm paying for them. If you want to buy them -

Nick: I'll buy them.

When he turned five, I started giving Nick an allowance. The idea was to start giving him the freedom to buy a few of his own toys, to buy some of the junk kids want on his own, and to start getting an idea about how money works. To get his allowance, Nick needs to make his bed every morning, and to feed the dog at night. For these jobs, he gets a whopping $2 a week. (I know, slave labor, someone call child protective services.) The whole project was a bit thrown off when he got a much larger sum of cash for his birthday from his grandparents. He spent most of this money on Bakugan, and what remained was just enough to purchase the lip smackers he so coveted.

My thinking is that he'll spend enough money on trashy or stupid items to realize that they are stupid and trashy, and then he'll start making wiser purchases.

So he bought the lip smackers.

This afternoon we were outside, and Nicholas began complaining mightily. "I hate the outside!" he raged. "It's so hot, I can't stand it! And there are too many bugs! I hate bugs! I'm going inside to play with my make-up!"


Hence, the title of today's post.

Signed, the grown up who does not own foundation and still has the mascara she purchased in 2003.

1 comment:

Anne-E. said...

He totally got it from Uncle Emily.