Thursday, April 02, 2009


The other morning Andy woke up at 5am. I was hoping he'd go back to sleep, so I let his stay in his crib and scream for a few minutes, and the result was, of course, Nick and Nate both woke up and I had to wake up anyway. But instead of putting on my robe, I pulled on a hoodie that I had worn the day before.

As I was clearing the breakfast dishes, I caught a whiff of what was unmistakably my own body odor on the hoodie. "Wow! I smell! That's gross!" I said. Out loud. And Nicholas said, "Yeah, you do smell, Mom, but I love you anyway!"

Wait, I thought... "Do I always smell?" I asked. Nicholas raised his eyebrows and nodded, completely serious. "But I love you anyway, Mom!"

Nicholas is very sweet, but now I'm paranoid. I swear, I've been showering much more often! And now I'm using all the smelly lotions I only use on special occasions.


LARISSA said...

For the record, (and it is a long one, considering how long I've known you) you have never smelled. Not even after gym.

Jamie said...

word. but nicholas is funny