I mean, my kids are smart. They SHOULD do well in school. Because when you are a kid, that's what being smart IS. You get good grades, and you are smart, and if you don't... well, you aren't.
Nicholas is a smart kid. He can carry on conversations like few other kids his age. He has a vivid imagination. He can figure out computer games that I'm sure he won't be able to work...
But I'm already worried about Nick and school.
Because Nick is a dreamer.
I remember being in school and having a hard time. I would TRY to pay attention, but before I knew it my mind would be thinking of other things. I wasn't misbehaving, so the teachers wouldn't notice. And this is how a lot of kids get lost.
Now, I know Nick is four, but I've watched him in his swimming and gym classes - GYM classes, classes where he is moving around and it should be a bit easier to... not drift away in your head - and he'll be with it one minute and the next thing you know his class is on the other end of the pool and he's alone, spinning in circles. They moved him to a smaller group, the one with the smaller kids, so that he would have more personal attention and not wander off. He's doing a great job and now he's learning, but... you know. And yes, he's young, but SO ARE THE OTHER KIDS!
I can see it in a gym class, but what about in a math class? Poor grades will be the first sign that something is wrong, and then what do you do?
The thing is, I can't think of anything to DO to help the situation. And I guess I'm just worried. I don't want him to get lost or be made fun of. I just... I want him to have confidence and to know he can learn.
Chances are that Nick just needs more stimulation, Fleen. He's probably so smart that he's bored. Maybe he's already figured out what they've been teaching him and he's ready to move onto something else.
Chances are he's related to the rest of this family. This means he'll be very, very good and some things and very, very bad at other things. He'll probably feel like a dork and worry that other people hate him, but actually everyone will love him. He'll be extremely shy sometimes and then shock everyone with some outrageous performance that will seem to come from nowhere. His room will be messy and he probably will never be able to find his homework. His grades will be so-so. His papers (written at 5 AM the morning they were due) will most likely be over the heads of his high school teachers. They will give him an A or an F for this. His college professors will either be jealous or impressed. They will be dumbfounded both by the brilliance of his writing and the number of typos he's managed to make in one paragraph. His car will be messy: shoes in the back-seat, gum in the cup-holder, money crumpled up everywhere which will be handy when he forgets to bring cash for the toll. He will drink too much coffee and beer and will either be in ridiculously good shape or ridiculously bad shape. Think of Walter Mitty meets Holden Caulfield meets Eloise meets Ferdinand the Bull. Aunt Anne-E.
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