OK, first off, I want to make it perfectly clear that Linda is NOT STUPID! The Stupid was referring to me. The photo of Linda and Andrew eating the caterpillar pillow was just a coincidental. Here is another photo of Linda with ALL the boys. I have made an attempt to correct the red-eye.
As for my foot, it DID bleed a little, but then stopped. I took an advil before bed Saturday. I soaked it in hot water a couple of times and this morning it was 98% better. I even ran on it today and I can no longer feel it. Unless I poke at it. Then it hurts.
Also, I KNOW it is not smart to plant grass in July, but we really need something growing there to hold the dirt in place. Every time it rains more and more of it ends up in our driveway. And it has actually rained 17 out of the last 21 days. The problem is, each time it rains the grass seed ends up in our driveway, too.
Finally, I do not actually have any poisonous hot knives. Our knives are usually one or the other. But leave it to my kids to find the worst thing around. Andrew is starting to inch his way to objects he wants. The first thing he grabbed was a wire, which he immediately put in his mouth.
To end, I would like to simply say that the 4th of July was not meant for dogs. Gunther climbed right in bed with me on several occasions over the past few days, as people use up the last of their fireworks.
Thanks for clearing that up. The French were about ready to deport me for lack of intellectual skills. You know how they are with the philosophers, their thinking all the time & then discussion of the very hard, important thoughts. I am just happy they let me lie on the beach.
O, by the way, you can send some of that rain here -- all we have is sun & heat! Although a wicked awful thundersorm woke us Sun about 4am -- spectacular! And, last night at @ 2am, there were fireworks over the bay! Who knows why! The French they are funny lot.
I still want to know how knives become poisonous. Wouldn't want to poke myself with one and not know it.
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