So I took one of those hand held rakes... the tiny hand sized pitchforks... and I started poking holes into the earth. And I sprinkled the grass seed into the little holes I made. But the thing is... that rake is small, and the lawn is HUGE. And I guess I started going faster and faster and less and less careful because I STABBED MYSELF IN THE FOOT WITH IT!
Not really my foot. My toe. The side of my toe. And one of the rake tines went into the side of my toe and INTO it, and just as I realized what I had done I heard - or felt - a sick crunch. And, besides the pain, the strongest thing I felt was I AM SO SO STUPID! I mean, I couldn't have done this if I had tried. And my kids, who were being so good, were treated to me shouting out words they have only heard me use in heavy traffic.
There is now a small, tiny cut on the inside of my toe. It hardly bled. There was no need for stitches or anything. It's the smallest tear. And it's only slightly pink and a little bit swollen. But it HURTS! I feel like the biggest wimp. I'm limping all over the place and I STILL FEEL STUPID!
Ugh! Stupid lawn!
Stupid lawn, stupid rake.
*big hugs*
soooo soooo frustrating and jesus, crunch, that sends shivers down my spine. are you on pain killers?
I think that it's not good that it did not bleed. Soak it in salt water and be sure to keep it clean with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure it's WARM salt water. And maybe July is not a good time to plant because it's so hot and seeds need so much water to grow? But what do I know? Hope your toe gets better.
Actually, it's really jean the mom and not anonymous but who am I to argue with the laptop?
Ummm, I really hope you are feeling better by now -- soaking in warm water with peroxide after is a really good idea -- BUT i really want to know why it's my picture under the heading 'Stupid Stupid Stupid'.
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