In the meantime there is all this to do about Health Care, and Reform, and how Obama is obviously bad and evil and wants to brainwash this nation's children, which, I'm sorry, but that is just BS because he's the president and presidents have always, as far as I know, visited schools and spoken to children. And as to the lesson guides, get over it and stop reading into things. Haven't we all been encouraged to think about what is being said? Or to ask what we could do for our country? Or does that only apply when the president is then shot?
The more I read, the more comments I hear, the more I am convinced that people are all selfish bastards who don't give a flying fiddle about anyone other than themselves. I'm sure everyone is brainwashed. No one wants to actually listen to what anyone else has to say. It's just jabbering back and forth and my LORD I am so tired I just want to wash my hands of all of it so that I can stop getting worked up over it all.
Im sorry that Andy's now sick too :o(. I read that article this morning, but not without rolling my eyes at least once per paragraph. lots of fluids and visit to the doctor, ok?
Re the Obama school visit I ask, what are people afraid of? I am as stirred up as you over this, and health care. The people that are against it come from a selfish, me first, mindset. We need to have coffee together!
Poor little guy! :( I hope he feels better soon!
What's so wrong with reminding children to do well in school and work hard? It frustrates me too and I am somewhat removed from all the news coverage being here.
Hang in there....sleep is on the way!
I say Amen! & Hallelujah! No one complained when that other President read a book about a goat to a class full of little ones. And don't get me started on gov't backed health care...
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