Tuesday, October 05, 2010

And then... and then and then and thehhhhnnn.

I wasn't going to write a post for today. It's been a busy weekend, and I have a lot to do.So I thought I would sit a day out and let the Tuna Fish Lady post really sink in while I caught up on a few things, like cleaning my house and sleeping.

And then, this morning, I took Nate and Andy to gymnastics class.

To understand the full impact of what happened, you have to know a few things.

1 - The gym is a huge, open space, divided into different sections by the type of equipment that is in it. The parents stay in the upstairs section, and from there they can look out over the entire gym at once.

2 - There is a huge trampoline that runs the length of the gym sideways. If you are a parent, looking down, you can see the kids jump right past you. They then usually loop around, doing jumping or rolls to get back to the starting point.

3 - Nate had been moving slowly all morning, but I thought he was just tired.

4 - Gravity is the force that causes two objects to be drawn to one another, but on earth we see it mainly and the force that causes things to fall down.

So then... Nate's teacher was having the kids slide down this big wedge on their tummies. The wedge is like a big mat, but it's three feet on one side, and inclines down in a big triangle. It's supposed to help the kids learn to do rolls, with the help of gravity. But Nate's teacher was having them stretch out on their tummies and pushing their legs to get them to slide right down.

The three girls in Nate's class had just gone down, and they were waiting at a point further along, so all the focus was on Nate, who was at the top of the wedge, on his tummy. Right in front of all the parents. And Nate's teacher took a hold of his legs and lifted them up to give them a push...

... and Nate threw up.

It was like his legs were a switch. Bend them and he pukes! That's how immediate it was.

But the thing was, he was on his tummy, on the wedge. So, gravity doing what it does, all the puke ran down and headed for the floor, in a huge stream about five feet long.

By this time I had already screamed "OH MY GOD!" and slammed down my coffee mug and was dashing down the stairs.

Nathan is fine. I think. I hope. Because if this is something going around I'm going to sell all of us on ebay. Also, he wouldn't nap and now he's being his usual loud self.

But boy, am I embarrassed. And flustered. And upset that I didn't see it coming when he was acting so slow and sluggish. And occasionally convinced that this feeling in my gut isn't nerves but that I GOT IT and that I'm going to be up all night throwing up myself.


g. fox said...

Oh NOOOO! You are such a wonderful woman and mother to be able to retell this with such humor, particularly with the telltale itch in your tummy. Big hugs and brownie sundaes to you, my dear.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

If this is something going around, & you all have it, you're not going to get much from anyone on ebay! Tell you what I'm gonna do: I'll give you a dollar three eighty for the littlest one. Although, I really like the sassyness of the pukey one, so I'll add another buck and a half. And it would probably be better if I had a full set & took the biggest one too -- he's the most helpful & sweetest. So let's just make it an even sawbuck for all of 'em -- take it or leave it!

Susan's Losin' said...

Kathleen, you're brilliant! Maybe I could sell these last 6 pounds on ebay, or throw them in with the purchase of your family. Whadaya think?