Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Screen Time

We've gotten rid of cable.

This is mostly a good thing. The only trouble is that I sometimes have difficulty working the TV. Steve seems to constantly be changing remote controls or devices we can use to watch Netflix. Saturday morning the Wii was hooked up to the input I was sure belonged to the DVD player.

Instead, we ended up watching PBS,  which comes through on antenna. The shows on PBS are the ones we used to watch when Nick was really little. He and Nate no longer pay attention because the shows are a little young for them.

But Andy actually puts down his DS and watches. He shouts the answers back to the Super Readers on SuperWhy.  He actually leans forward to see what will happen next.

I like to see it. He spends so much time trying to do the things his brothers do, it's good to see him interested in something age appropriate for him.  I especially like that he likes these shows, because they are reinforcing his letters and spelling.

Well... what I mean is, I'd rather have him watching these shows than Bakugan, Pokemon, Yugio, Ben-10, Super Force Five. That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

I understand, but is it because we were raised on TV? Will Nick, Nate & Andy wax poetic about the Bakugans, Pokemons, etc when their kids are playing with holograms?