Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I might weigh less in the hall.

At dinner tonight Steve and I were discussing who should take the last biscuit.

They're nothing special. Seriously. Pillsbury. Only I place a ton of butter in the pan before the biscuit dough, so they are very tasty. Usually these are rationed out to the family, but for some reason we had a child unwilling to eat his, and so Steve and I were having this discussion.

We both thought the other person should take it.

"No, no," I said. " I'm kind of... I have a doctor's appointment coming up next month, and I'm not exactly happy with where the scale is."

This is where Nick piped up. "You mean in your bathroom?"

Nick - self portrait Feb. 2013

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

I think Nick is right! Immediately move the scale all around e house & property until you find the place where you weight the least & leave it there even if its on the front lawn or the roof -- that's what I'd do!