If you haven't done so already, you should go read my last post and the comments. Now.
Nobody is punching Zalewski in the face! I just needed to get that out of the way. Don't worry, Zalewski, Jamie would never punch anyone. Linda might, but not while Jamie was watching.
Zalewski read my blog post! How odd and bizarre. I have to admit, even though the internet is a huge place, I find myself thinking I'm writing letters to myself more often than I should. I can't always remember that family and friends read this blog (sometimes). So it shocks me that someone I have never met would find my rantings on his article. I am flabbergasted. But, you know, it's a small world, 6 degrees and all that. So. I should have known better.
How sad and embarrassing to not have caught the humor in the piece. Is this what I am reduced to? Someone with no sense of humor? Joyless? Like Annette Benning in "American Beauty" but with a not-as-great body, no job, and longer, rattier hair? My apologies to Zalewski for not getting it and for jumping on the defensive train. Even before reading the entire article, I might add.
I think one of the reasons I did NOT get it, is because there are people out there who judge. Simple as that. Everyone has an opinion, it is always different from yours, and the worst offenders of the "My Way Is Right" campain are other parents. When Nick was 4 months old two other mothers watched me try and calm his wailing self and asked "When is his naptime?" You should have seen the looks they gave me when I said "He doesn't have one yet." It was the same as the looks on some parent's faces when the boys mention they had McDonald's.
And, to be fair, probably the look on my face when the teacher casually mentioned that the "heathy snack" a classmate's mother had prepared was chocolate covered rice-krispie treats, or anytime we get an invitation to a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheeze.
See, we all judge, as parents. It's really hard not to. Because every path that isn't ours is one we have elected not to take. We judge in defense of our own choices. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying we do it. And I've noticed, and I'm sensitive to it. And that caused me to over-react to this totally amazing article on children's books - a different subject almost entirely, which I should probably go back and re-read with these new glasses on my brain.
In conclusion, I would like to quote my sister Emily in wondering which goes best with humble pie: sheepish ice-cream or decaffeinated gratitude?
Ah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah (sound of Linda cackling) Wow! Fleen, you're being read by famous authors! Maybe I should have gone with my original thoughts on Zalewski. But if it comes down to it, I'd still punch him in the nose (despite Jamie's presence) if he dared to question your parenting skills, choice of children's reading material or anything else about you or your love & dedication to your family (pets included).
so crazy that he read your post. I didn't see so much humor in his article as I did sarcasm... but like you said everyone is so quick to judge and no one really has all teh answers. there is a hilarious bit that louis ck does on that mom you see at mcdonald's with her kids and she has just given up on trying to parent successfully.... its here:
there are a lot of other funny observations on toddlers and being a parent of a toddler. I think you will find it funny -bc well, ya know... its supposed to be funny! so laugh! (haha -just kidding)
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