Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wait! I'm Still Here!

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth.

Two things happened. The first is that I took a trip to New York City and had a lovely visit with my family with NO KIDS! The second thing is that I got sick and lost my voice completely.

When I got home (yesterday) the house was in chaos - I told Linda it looked as though Steve had hired people to make a mess while I was gone. Not only was laundry done (that was a given), but the boys bedroom was a disaster and so was the living room. There were wet towels and clothing on the floor of the bathroom. The only thing that HAD been done were the dishes, because Lillian had come to sit the boys and had done them.

So this morning I have two hours to put order back into the house. Without using my voice. I'm not sure it can be done.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

They're boys -- they don't even see there's anything wrong or different! You can do! Feel better.