Saturday, April 07, 2012

Two Front Teeth

All my life I have encountered what I like to call "trouble words." These are words that, for whatever reason, I can't remember how to spell. Like "businesses." I usually end up avoiding these words, just so I won't misspell them. Todays post is a happy joining of two I always get confused.

Loose and lose.

It's about Nick's front teeth. They had been getting looser and looser, and on Monday, the first one came right out at school.

Almost as soon as it came out, the lonely one that was left hung slanted, as if it had been using it's twin for support. And it hung there for days. Every night I'd tell Nick it was his last night with his tooth, and it made a liar out of me at least three times.

Until last night, when Nick walked into my room at 4am to tell me his tooth had come out, and he had swallowed it. 

For the record, he didn't swallow it. I found it carefully placed on the railing of his bunk bed, right next to the lamp.

I just get a little sad because he's getting so big.


Jamie said...

So cute. Look at that smile! Congrats, Nick! What did the tooth fairy leave for you?

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Love that first picture -- he looks so proud holding up the little box with his tooth & smiling so wide!