Friday, June 08, 2012

Another Old Photo

This post started out differently. See, it started out with this old photograph I found in our computer archives of me and my sisters. I wanted to post it, so I threw together what I like to think of an one of my more thoughtful posts, about how old pictures are interesting, and how it's a great idea to put up an old photograph once a week, now that I'm hurting for subject matter. But this great idea, meant to be helpful, would actually turn into a really tough job, because most of my older photographs are on paper, and I would have to sort through them, and scan them, and ha ha ha! so much for making life easier!

But then I went a step further and posted the few photos I found on Facebook. I named the album "Ancient History" and tagged the people in the photos, and then went on with my day, mostly forgetting about it.

And then on Saturday night I checked my Facebook account and apparently the gates of all Heck had broken loose. Apparently someone got very upset about being tagged, and a rather accusatory message was sent out to all us kids about tagging. There were ALL CAPS used and the old "I've told you before" line. There were lengthly responses and explanations and a lot of words and paragraphs.

(Just so you know, the people in all photos looked fine. Yes, there was one when we were at a bar, but I remember that time. It was over ten years ago, so yes, we had funny hair, but other than that, nothing gross or inappropriate or offensive. Only mildly embarrassing in the way that old hairstyles can be.)

This is where I have to edit myself because a lot of things were said in the email exchanges that followed, and it's still not sitting quite right with me. Also, even though this is set to publish on Friday, In real-life time it's still Sunday so it happened last night, and I'm still rather emotional about it.

So I'm not going to go into it much more. If I do, I'll say too much. I'll either hurt someone's feelings more than I already have, or expose myself too much than is necessary or advisable for a blog. Something beyond "I was thinking about how cool it was we were all together, and missing them, and all she saw was her stupid hairstyle. Also, I carried a watermelon, and she gave me a pen."

Just know that I was going to do this thing posting a weekly "Old Photograph" and now I'm not. So I'm up for subject matter suggestions.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Nooooo! Post the old photos! If someone is upset with something, they can have plastic surgery, change their names & move!! Remember, they can be pissed off, but they can't sue you (I think!). You have permission to post any & all qwappy pictures of me you have.

Debs said...

If you had any photos of me, I'd let you post them. I think old photos are fun :)