Thursday, June 21, 2012

Learned Mistakes

There seem to be many more children's books these days than when I was a child. But many of these news books are not so good.

For example, these days there are many books based on popular films. Most of these books are horrific and dull - yes, a book can be both. And yet the boys love them because, hey, Batman! And also Bakugan! And I let it happen because, hey, reading!

Which is how we happened to be reading Iron Man the other night.

This particular Iron Man book is a little older, possibly a couple of years old. Nick used to read it to me at bedtime, and he used to make a mistake over and over again. I thought the mistake was actually kind of cute, so I let it go most of the time.

But tonight Nick kept interrupting me and correcting my vocabulary. "Mom! He's the Crimson DyMANo!"

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

You, my dear, are the Human DyMAno! Keep 'em reading at any cost!