Monday, April 29, 2013

It Never Gets Old

We went to the Bronx Zoo.

Andy - Bronx Zoo - April 2013

Andy - Bronx Zoo - April 2013
We've been a couple of other times, but this time it was a bit different because it was rainy and cold.

OK, I'm being dramatic here. It wasn't raining the whole time. It was just raining while we were walking there from the subway. But it was kind of overcast and cold. It was too early for the elephants and the Wild Asia Monorail wasn't open for the season yet.

But the boys had fun. And my sister came with us, so she got to enjoy the following things with us:

A Tiger who was very busy eating grass.

A Gorilla who was sitting right next to the glass and who would wag his head comically side to side, and then puke into his hand. And then eat it. And then repeat. Over and over and over and over.

Feeding time for the vultures, who have a wing span of six feet (my estimation) and who look exactly like the cartoon hunchback drawings of themselves, only scarier, with heads approximately halfway down their bodies. Also, they are fed rozen dead white rabbit, much to Nick's dismay.

Bronx Zoo - April 2013

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Love all the color in that photo & Anne-E looks particularly lovely too!