Saturday, December 29, 2007


Nathan can sometimes follow simple directions. For example, I can say "go get me a tissue" and he will run to the bathroom and return with third of a square of toilet paper which he uses to dab at the snot running from his nose.

Nicholas, on the other hand, can follow directions such as "Please go upstairs to the baby's room, and look in the closet. There should be a couple of big bags of diapers. Can you bring one down to me?" And he will look at me with a scrunched up face ad ask "Are the diapers up high or down low?" and I will say "They are on the floor of the closet. You should have no trouble reaching them." And within four minutes I will have the diapers I need.

Andrew is not so great at following directions.

Here are some of the directions that came with some furniture that Lillian got us from IKEA. I rather enjoyed these directions, and not because they told me anything particularly useful.


Jamie said...

A picture is not worth a thousand words

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

I love the long cord from Ikea to your house! Maybe you should call to let them know the world is pretty much wireless now.

O, & good luck with those directions!