Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Good Things

I know I have been complaining a whole lot lately. I don't mean to, but I get carried away with it, and then I just can't stop. There are a lot of good things I could post about as well, good things that don't even include a baby or finally getting the pregnancy over with.

Steve, for example, is being extra helpful. He has stepped in to take over baths and making dinner more times than I had expected him to, and has even put the boys to bed a couple of times. He's also started up the plowing again, and stands there on icy mornings to make sure I can get out of the driveway (which is a small hill upwards, and sometimes can cause a problem.) He also cleaned the basement yesterday - the part with the furnace and the water tank and all the tools and everything. The basement part of the basement. He's nesting with me - tell me that's not cute. ALSO, he's not only been great dealing with my obsessive need to finish holiday shopping, but HE HAS ALSO FINISHED HIS OWN SHOPPING! This is a guy who waits until the last minute for EVERYTHING. And I feel like he's doing it all for me.

On top of all that, the other day I stripped the sheets of my bed but ran out of steam before I could put the new ones on, so I just left them there for later. And the Cleaning Service came (not their usual day, because of the snow and all) and when I went upstairs they had made my bed! Which is a full workout for me these days, what with the bending and the tugging and the yanking kids off the mattress and then trying to get the sheets on before they climb up again... And I remember feeling so grateful. I usually complain all the time that I do a better job than this cleaning service, and here they are making my bed for me!


Jamie said...

Biscuit for Steve! "Nesting" I wonder if Steve would refer to it as "nesting." I think he might even be insulted by that.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Hooray, Steve!!! You go, guy!