Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree Festival

We've been going to this Christmas tree festival for the past few years. More and more of these are popping up. Try as I might, I can never quite explain it to people.

Lucky for me, Lillian took some pictures this year. Here are some of the best shots:

First of all, there are just so many trees.
There is a raffle for each tree, and everything that is on or under it. These trees range from the conservative,
to the absurd.

They do not need to be real trees.
And a few can be really fantastic.
The Wicked Tree

The Bonsai Tree:

Here's a tree grilling:

This guy is stealing a tree:

And look at this! What could land this little guy in the deertention center?

Oh, I see. Poor Gramma!


Jamie said...

Looks like a Christmas explosion :)

Jean said...

What fun. These are great. Also love your little dancing elves in the previous post.