Monday, January 17, 2011

Life On Hold

I was sitting in my bed with Andrew. We were both reading, but I was really trying to get him to take a nap. It's how we do things - read until we pass out. We're alike that way. And at nap time, it's kind of like a competition to see who can stay awake the longest. Some days I win. Some days he wins.

We'd been sitting there for awhile, and I noticed that he wasn't settling. In fact, he was shifting around in a funny kind of way.

"Andy, do you need to use the potty?" I asked.

Andy nodded. Then he handed me the book he was reading as he climbed off the bed. "Here," he said. "Pause this."



Because otherwise the book would just keep on reading itself, I guess, and might end before he got back?


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Too much exposure to electronic devices!!!

Jean said...

This is so cute. I love they way their little minds operate!!

g. fox said...

Gimme that kid. the cuteness is overwhelming.