Wednesday, January 19, 2011

White Out

New England in the winter is all white.

The leftover snow on the ground is a dull white. If there is no snow, the ground with it's winter grass is gray. The sky is white overcast with cold clouds. The trees are bare, gray. If there are leaves, they are a dull brown. Even the evergreens are more gray and black than bright green.

It makes me want to wear bright colors, pink and bright blue and purple. Maybe even orange, if I had anything that was orange. I don't, Thank Goodness. It doesn't suit my complexion.

But it made me think of some story I heard when I was a kid - I don't think it was Frosty. But it had something to do with colored snow and ice - the either build a snowman out of colored snow, or the snowman melted into colors... neither of those makes much sense, I guess.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Easter Eggs, with vibrant colors. I kind of want to go out and start decorating this second.

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