Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Packing - part 1

I start packing for vacations early.

I could say it's because I'm a nervous person, or I could say it's because I want to make sure I have everything I need, that clothes are washed and dried etc.

But the real reason is that packing lets me think about my vacation in a constructive way. It's like a pre-vacation, a kind of anticipation. Also, I get a sick thrill out of making lists and checking things off.

It's a problem sometimes, though. Sometimes I pack so early that it messes up my clothing rotation. And by that I mean I suddenly have nothing to wear, because everything is in a suitcase except the two dirty t-shirts in the hamper.

And I admit, I'm really excited for this trip to Disney World. I've been thinking about what I'll pack for ages, already.

But the other day I was going through pictures from our last trip, the one four years ago, and I realized something...

Most of the things I was going to bring I had worn on my last trip.

Now, I'm not usually a fashion diva. I take pride in the fact that I keep my clothes for a long time, wear them to shreds.

But this would be totally unacceptable.

Because when I look at photographs from our trips, I need to be able to differentiate. I need to be able to tell the difference.

So I did something I'm a bit ashamed of. I went to Target and I purchased a handful of inexpensive, plain T-shirts. Probably made in Malaysian Sweatshops.

The only consolation I have is that I will at least feel like I look cute on this trip. And that I will at least wear the shirts to shreds.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Hooray! New clothes...for you!