Sunday, May 31, 2009

7 Year Itch

A little over a month ago, I got a really bad case of poison ivy. I still have scars from the blisters and patches of dry skin. Maybe they'll never completely fade.

The seven-year-itch can refer to scabies or eczema. But it also commonly refers to the seventh year of a marriage, when couples used to re-evaluate their relationship, and either cheat or split up. According to one Wiki-Answer, this occurs much earlier than 7 years these days. Apparently people either rush into marriage or don't value it as they used to. (Interesting, considering how hard some people are trying to keep others from doing it at all.)

June 1st marks a full 7 years of marriage for me and Steve. Not only did we make it through the new and improved 2-year itch point, but here we are at the full 7 years. We're still building a life together, we have a home, and three wonderful boys. We are still keeping the promise that we made to each other. I think that's something to celebrate. We are worth celebrating.

I love you, Steve! Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

Debs said...

Happy Anniversary :)