Winston and Meg came up for the weekend. It's always fun when they come up. Well, for me and the kids. I imagine that, for them, it's a bit boring. But they always get to play outside, and Winston hit a baseball around in our backyard, and it reminded me of when he was nine and did that kind of thing all the time. And then they cooked us dinner on the grill - chicken AND steak, AND guacamole AND margaritas AND awsome salads and green beans... and then we played some board games, which they purchased, and they were really fun - Apples to Apples is my new favorite game. And I still suck at Taboo, even though it's fun playing.
And then they left, later than they wanted to, I'm sure. And then I looked at my planner and saw how much was going on in the next couple of weeks - birthdays and class graduations and doctor's appointments... and now here I am, Memorial Day, sitting peacefully and awaiting the craziness to come.
By the way, everyone should come visit all the time, because we love it.
Boring? Are you crazy? We had a great time. It was so nice to see you and the boys and get out of this beastly city...And I mean it. Anytime you want us to make you dinner, we're there! You need a break every once in a while.
one day we'll meet in person.... one day...
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