Friday, March 11, 2011

Cry Cry Cry

I swear, my kids will cry over just about anything. Or fight over just about anything. Everything can be fine, but if someone has a green cup the other two will want it. And if someone has the job or washing windows, suddenly this is the most coveted job in the world.

Nick is folding towels. It is his new job, one he picked because he said he'd like to do laundry. So I let him. Andy is crying because his job was not folding laundry and he was told to go start cleaning the toy room.

Nate at first did not want to clean the toy room. Even when told this meant no TV, he said, "fine." But when I told him this meant Nick would get to play his DS and he wouldn't be allowed to even watch, he changed his mind. And ran upstairs.

And from upstairs Andy started crying again, probably because Nathan started cleaning up what HE wanted to clean up.

1 comment:

Jean said...

This is too funny -- especially Nick saying "fine"