Saturday, March 26, 2011

Over It

I'm sorry about complaining.

And I'm done.

I went into the school to see what I could do about getting Nate to the morning class next year, and the answer was: nothing. What's done is done, apparently. From what I gathered from the ladies I spoke to int he office, and the emails I traded with the principal, my case for putting Nate in the morning class simply wasn't as compelling as that made for the other children. I felt sick and awful about it, and when I dug up my copy of the application, it turned out they were right.

I don't know where my head was that morning. I don't know if I was distracted, or in a rush, or what. But I neglected to mention anything related to scheduling difficulties at all. Perhaps this would have tipped the scale in my favor. Perhaps not. But now I'll never know, because I honestly didn't put everything down.

Lesson learned - put everything down. Explicitly. In writing.

I also found out there is a good chance we might get switched to AM if enough people drop out or choose to go elsewhere. 3 people. That's all I need. It's entirely possible. I also decided that this would not be the worst thing in the world. Is it what I wanted? No. But at least the difficulty will be mine. Nathan will be fine. Andrew will also be fine. And I can adapt to anything for a few months. After some thought, this is not serious.

I think that I was already feeling helpless about the school situation, and this tipped me over the edge. I want what's best for my children. We all do. But I suppose every parent has a different idea of what "BEST" actually means. And so there is disagreement, argument, debate, and when all is said and done, we won't care because we'll be in High School already.

1 comment:

Susan's Losin' said...

Speaking from the point of view of the middle child since I was one, this might be a great opportunity for you to really focus on Nathan for the next school year and enjoy him alone. He can help you with the housework and perhaps you can find special activities just for him. I think you could both have a great time even though it is not what you had envisioned and hoped for.