Friday, September 16, 2011


I have been asked to teach a Religious Education class at church.

Actually, Steve was asked to teach the RE class, because he taught last year. And this time he said "No, but you should ask my wife!"

I want to help out. I really do. But... here's the thing. Religious Education classes take place during Sunday Services. That menas that, if you're teaching church school, there is no real church for you.

And no church services means..... NO CHOIR!

Now, when I had a conversation with the poor guy who was trying to find teachers, I mentioned that there hadn't been a strong showing in the first choir rehearsal. But this past rehearsal there were plenty of people. So that is really no longer a factor.

Now all I have to consider is how much I really love choir, and singing. I really find the music and the companionship healing and inspiring. I'm not sure I want to give that up.

And I'm already doing a good deal of volunteering, right? I mean, at this point I'm doing Library every week, one week for Kindergarten, the next for First Grade (Nick got his wish!) I'm also going in every other week to do clerical work (copying, cutting, sorting, assembling) for the first and second grades. As far as the church goes, I'm on the Board of Trustees, which means that I'm doing a lot of reading about what a Board of Trustees is supposed to do, and then trying to figure out how to get people to implement things... And going to a meeting every single month.

This isn't really about teaching Religious Education, though. It's about giving up choir. I already know I'm going to do it for a semester. But will it be this semester, or next? And how miserable will I be?


Jamie said...

No brainer. Choir: yes. Teaching Religious Education: no. Obviously. You love singing and you're really good at it.

Anonymous said...


Listen to your brother.

jan the mom

Debs said...

Sounds like you should stick with choir and not beat yourself up over it

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Jamie's right.