Some days things are smooth sailing. There are no tantrums, and very little of what I refer to as "resistance." Which means that the kids do the jobs they are supposed to do more or less when they are supposed to do them.
But more often than not, one child will decide to "resist." He might refuse to wear the only clean shirt in his dresser, for example. Or spend fifteen minutes "looking" for his shoes, the ones in the middle of his bedroom floor. Or decide to play Bakugan at the breakfast table even though he's not supposed to and spill milk all over the floor in the process, and then take ten minutes getting a cloth to wipe it up, and then push it all over his brother's toast in the process. And I begin by repeating myself, move on to threatening, and end up yelling before I can get any sort of a reaction.
Well, today all three boys decided to "resist." I found myself beating my head against the wall and wishing my children had no personalities and were spineless little drones who would just do my bidding.
Why? WHY? Why do they have to be like that? Why does Andrew always have to climb up to the top bunk and refuse to come down to get dressed when he KNOWS I'm just going to get angry? Why does Nate roll around Naked instead of getting dressed? When I say I'm not making toast in the morning, why does Nick then decide to make his own? Why WHY does he need toast?
And why did they do this to their toys? I mean, does this look right to you?
uh oh. train wreck. heres to a better afternoon
Hmm, there's an inherent creativity at work in that topsy-turvy toy pile. I'll bet there's a heck of an inventive story associated with it. As for the resistance, as with the Borg, well, it is just futile -- you will assimilate...eventually.
For the heck of it, whisper, don't yell and see what happens. When I was teaching 2nd grade, that worked wonders. Maybe...might be worth a try:)
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