Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Is it Bedtime Yet?

After I did the dishes, I announced that it was time for the boys to go upstairs and get ready for their bath, the start of the getting-to-bed routine.

"But sleeping is so boring!" Nick cried.

I told him I would remind his of that when he was a teenager sleeping at noon on a Sunday. He was not very impressed.

And I tried to think back to when I thought going to sleep was hard and boring, and the last time I was frustrated and had to clench my eyes shut, wishing I were doing something else. These days I fall into bed. If I'm not half asleep when I climb in, I am glad, if not giddy with excitement, for the rest.

What happens to us as we get older? Do we really become so positive that there will be time to do it tomorrow?

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

No, it's not that we are postive that there will be time to do whatever it is tomorrow, it is just that the vagaries of the day weigh heavier on our ever-thinning bones & it is ever so delicious to curl up in a cofy, warm bed with a really good book & drift gently off into the arms of Lethe until rosy fingered Eos wakes us to greet her brother Helios.