Thursday, March 25, 2010

Out The Door

When you leave the house to go somewhere, how long does it take you? You probably linger, sip your coffee or soda, read one last paragraph of your article, sleep in five extra minutes, and then take off. And when you do, you grab your keys, your jacket, and walk out the door.

Well, it doesn't go that way for me. When I decide to leave, I need to motivate three other people to leave with me. Three other people that would rather be playing Bakugan, or who need last minute diaper changes, or who refuse to put on shoes or can't find them or who decide to wear sandals in the snow or snow boots the first day that it's 70 degrees.

Some days, just getting out the door is enough to make me loose my mind. Negotiating the snacks and the shoes and the actual movement... I don't think anyone who hasn't actually experienced this can understand it.

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