Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tv Melts Your Brain

I recently got an iPad.

I couldn't tell you exactly what an iPad does if I tried. It does a lot of things, but not everything. One thing, however, that I use it for everyday, is playing Tv shows and movies.

Since getting the iPad, I have watched 3 seasons of 30Rock, and 4 seasons of Bones. Back to back. I stream them, meaning I don't need a DVD, they play right of my iPad with no commercials or anything. It's amazing. And I love it.

And since I started watching so much TV, I have begun to lose it during real life. I have to ask my kids to repeat themselves two or three times before their words can sink in. I forget what it is I'm doing. My brain has started to melt. I don't think this is Beach Brain. I think it's Brain Jelly.

Don't get me wrong, I still love Bones. I just.... maybe I need to put down the iPad for awhile.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

dude. Story of my life w Netflix. It's terrible!!