Thursday, December 22, 2005

In a concentrated effort to be Jolly, as befits the season, I actually gave some thought to my post today.

Mind you, I had a doctor's appointment, and my Mother In Law, Lillian, came up to watch the baby - the baby still being Nicholas - so I also tried to fit in some last minute shopping and did some vacuuming. And Nick napped for about ten minutes ALL DAY.

So as I was making dinner, I was thinking about skipping the blog for today, thinking "why bother?" I mean, if my icky mood is catching, what if people GET it? If anyone DOES read this they will think "eww - she's so nasty and depressing. I'm not going HERE again!" And then I will have no friends.

And then guess what? Nicholas started running around the house laughing FOR NO GOOD REASON. I mean, he was THRILLED! Whatever was going on in his little head was just about the best fun he's had in his short little life. And he didn't stop. He ran, ran, ran, and when he came my way I'd shout "RUN RUN RUN!" and he's scream with glee and run into the hall, back into the dining room, and back into the kitchen.

I decided that was worth a post. It was also worth today. It made me feel silly for being grumpy and spreading anti-joy virus.

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