Thursday, December 15, 2005

Today I got a Treadmill!!!!

It might sound strange, but I have wanted a treadmill for a long, long time. When I worked a "day only" job I would use the treadmill they had there every morning. When I became pregnant, of course, I stopped.
And when I tried loosing Nicholas's baby weight I missed it. Instead, I tried Tae-Bo. Tae-Bo worked for me a few years ago, when I had just seen The Matrix and was just getting in shape. I becamse obsessed, and would sometimes do two hard core workouts a day. It was great! I was never fitter. Or possibly more insane.
But after Nicholas... well, I tried. I was bored with Billy, who always says the same things, and who had started irritating me. Also, Nicholas insisted on interrupting the workout for silly reasons - like needing to be fed or held or changed and stuff. It was hard because jumping back into a Tae-Bo workout doesn't always work.

Getting a treadmill in our very own place means I can hop on and off whenever. I can walk, run, jog, whatever. I don't have to worry about getting to the hard core part because I WILL BE IN CONTROL. I choose the incline, I choose the speed! If I only have ten minutes, I can run for those ten minutes without waiting for Billy to explain what we're doing. Hooray for me!

This was a gift from my parents. This afternoon, when my husband showed it to me, I couldn't grasp what I was seeing. And I hopped on to take it for a test drive.

I'm not insane. I know I can't run. So I pressed the "WALK" button. And the thing turned on and I started walking! I was so excited! So VERY excited, in fact, that I paid no attention when the speed started picking up. Suddenly it was going too fast. There I was, waddling at a speed of, oh, two whole miles an hour probably, but it was TOO FAST, and I couldn't find the right buttons to slow the thing down.
It never occured to me to press the big red STOP button.

Anyway, I survived. I can't wait to hop back on the treadmill once I'm baby-free (and by that I mean with no baby INSIDE.)

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