Sunday, November 11, 2007

Morning Person

I have always been a morning person. I usually wake up happy and am most productive during morning hours. Yesterday was no exception. Steve woke up with the kids, but I was awake before 8am and was able to shower and get dressed... I buzzed around the house cleaning, we went for a family trip to the store, and I was feeling OK...

... Until I just wasn't. At 3pm I crashed, big time. I had to go back to bed, I was crying for no reason, and I felt like I couldn't take care of my kids.

So Steve stepped in and did everything. He took care of the kids, he made dinner, he was just generally a hero who let me recover in my own bed. And it was WONDERFUL. This morning I am myself again.

But it worries me that I get so tired. I guess this far along in a pregnancy you really do have to be careful.


Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

You are still a morning person
...but maybe this baby isn't & by 3p had just had it. You are a terrific mother (not to take anything away from Steve's fathering) but you are there every day, cooking, cleaning AND being creative with the boys! You just needed "a bit of a lie down". Don't worry. It's almost over ...except for the next 25 years or so!

Lou said...

For the love of god, you are amazing. I can't believe you made it this far before needing a little rest! I don't think I did much of anything for the last 4 months I was pregnant with the twins. So, you're Wonder Woman as far as I'm concerned.