Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The End Is Near

I don't have any new pictures to post, and I don't really have anything pressing to say, either. But I felt I had to mention the fact that February is almost over. February is the longest month of the year, even though it's usually only 28 days. It's the same way my French class in high school took up the whole second half of my day, even though it was the only class I had after lunch. That's why they made it only 28 days. (February, not French Class.) To make February any longer would mean half the year would be made out of February, and we'd all collapse before March.

Anyway, even though we've got 29 days of it, it's almost over. Thank Goodness. And March means spring is right around the corner. Or, as we say in New England, "The Muddy Season."


Jamie said...

one afternoon of hs french class was so much longer than the month of february

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

April is the Cruellest month. February is the Longest month. Summer is the Shortest month.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

O, for you who took French class,I wanted to do this before, but forgot:

Avril est le Cruellest mois. Février est le mois le plus long. L'été est le plus court mois.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!