Sunday, June 06, 2010

Library Books

Today at the library, Nathan chose two books.

One was Il dinosauro.

The other was My First Guide to the Endocrine System.

He better learn to read soon, because these books are getting too difficult for me.


Jamie said...

He'll grow up to be a paleontologist or a physician in a spanish speaking country.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Nate รจ il mio parente. Sto imparando l'italiano adesso. Appena finisco il CD, io li inviare a Nate, che sembra di essere davanti a me!*

*Nate is my kinsman. I am learning Italian now. As soon as I finish the CD's, I will send them to Nate, who seems to be ahead of me!

Jules said...

I love your children.