Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where's MY trophy?

This has been a busy week. Everything is ending, and each thing requires a celebration.

Yesterday was Nick's Kindergarten concert. They sang four songs and then a few of the kids recited lines from All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. And I cried.

But I didn't have time to hang out and be emotional, even though I can't understand how it went by so fast. Because I had to rush Andrew to his gymnastics recital so he could get his trophy. Nick and Nate had their recital on Monday, and Andy was a little upset that he didn't get a prize and they did. Andrew was very excited during the ceremony, and kept trying to climb up on the pedestal before his name was called. (One little girl kept climbing up even after she got her trophy.) And yes, he got his trophy, and he was very proud of it. He showed it to Nathan when we picked him up from "Beach Day" at his school.

Then yesterday evening Nick had his very last T-ball game of the season. It took 90 minutes for them to play two innings, and then both teams walked over to the farm stand for ice-cream. Nick got a T-ball trophy.

And tomorrow is the very last day of school. After that it's mostly me. Part of me panics when I realize the kids will be with me most of the time. But then I think about how much easier it will be without all the running around and remembering who wears the swimsuit to class and who needs to return a library book and who's got story time and did I pay for the field trip stuff.

And another thing. I never did any sports. In my entire life I never got a trophy. Right now, even Andy's trophy collection is bigger than mine. Shouldn't I get a trophy for juggling all these schedules?


Jamie said...

yes you do deserve a trophy!!

Debs said...

How about a big one made of chocolate that you can snuggle up and munch on once they're all in bed!

Kathleen said...

ooooo! Debs, I love your idea!

g. fox said...

You SO deserve a trophy!