Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Day Sunshine

Confession: I write a number of my posts ahead of time. If I have a number of things to say (more than three) and a stretch of time to bang on the keyboard, I'll get as much of it pre-posted as possible. That way I don't forget the things I want to say in the hustle and bustle of the day.

But occasionally something will happen mid-week, after I have already written a bunch of posts. And that news gets pushed back. Even if I should have recognized it right away.

I need to say a public Thank You to G. Fox, of And I Am Marie Of Roumania. She has bestowed upon me this Sunshine Award.
Now, I'm not exactly sure what this means, or if the sunshine is for positive blogging or optimistic comments. But I am honored. Who doesn't like to be told they brighten someone else's day a little? Well... call me Pollyanna, because I do. So, thank you, thank you, G. Fox! I am only sorry I didn't post my thanks sooner.

I am now supposed to pass this sunshine award on to someone else. Someone who posts encouraging comments. Or someone with a blog who brightens my day. But I simply can't make choices. It would be like asking me which of my kids I love most. My love for each is as individual as they are individuals. And in a lesser way, so are these blogs that I love. Please check out Larissa at Seattle Sabbatical and Debs at It's my life, and Sue at Susan's Losin'. Each of these blogs are wonderful, inspiring, encouraging, and unique. And so are each of the women who write them. They have all encouraged me in ways both large and small. So they will have to split the sunshine between them.

Come to think of it, all comments these days have been encouraging and supportive, but most people who comment here don not have blogs for me to pitch this sunny little prize to. So... thank you, blogless commenters!


LARISSA said...

Thanks Kathleen! You add sunshine to my day with every post!

Debs said...

(this is being written for about the forth time since every time i tried to comment Sophia would tug on the power cord of the computer and the whole thing would die)

Ah, how lovely :)
You are very sunshiney in your writing and also very real. Which is good for this new mama to read and learn from!