Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moms are not allowed

I skipped posting yesterday because I was having a bad day. By that I mean that evil was seeping out of my pores and I couldn't control my evil thoughts of world domination, hindered only by the fact that three short people kept asking me for juice and pinching each other.

It's a cycle. I am grumpy and in a bad mood, and that makes me irritable. I snap at my kids. I hate the way I sound when I snap at my kids. That makes me even more grumpy and irritable. And even though I just promised myself I wouldn't snap at my kids again, I do.

See, being grumpy and irritable are something moms are not supposed to do. Sure, they can get that way, but only after the kids have been really, really hard to deal with. You can't just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It's like being sick: So what? Who cares? The kids want juice. Also, they are stabbing each other with legos.

It's really hard for me to get out of a rut on days like this. It's hard not to give into the urge to just turn on the television and eat goldfish crackers on the living room rug. And quite frankly, it's not fair. It's hard not to become resentful when the kids come crying because they have tripped over a toy in the middle of the kitchen floor, a toy they have been asked to put away many, many times. Yes, the kid may be bleeding and in pain, and the kid may need comfort, and it's the hardest thing in the world to stop folding laundry or making dinner and deal with the situation instead of yelling "It's your own darn fault! Now leave me alone!"

So... I'm still kind of in the rut. I'm still doing my best to climb out of it. I'm almost there. I should be out by the time school starts, I think.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

It sounds as if this isn't something a nice long bath & full night's sleep won't cure. You're exhausted & with every right to be so. You have the toughest job in the world because there's never time off. O, there are joys & elations & giggles & heart-bursting love, but there is no down time. Just hang in there til school starts...or drop the kids off in NYC; I'll watch 'em!!