Monday, January 02, 2012


It's very unlike me. I haven't posted in days, and I hardly know how to approach the subject.

You see, instead of leaping into the New Year, I kind of stumbled into it. Now that we are home, I am finding myself tired, with so much laundry to do. So many things to put away. The house is still bedecked for Christmas, and all of these decorations need to be put away. Every surface is littered with stuff, a collection of wrappers, directions, ornaments, wires, and small toys. We have more chocolate than some of the smaller states, but alas I am no longer running due to my heel, and this morning my bathroom scale said "Up 6 Pounds!" Which is alarming because I didn't think I had eaten very much in the past couple of days.

And I still haven't done my New Year's Resolutions, something I like to do as a way of setting goals for myself.

But more than that I'm feeling... well, I'm feeling very BAD. I mean, I feel mean. I'm snapping and complaining. Steve hates this blog because he says all I do is complain, and that my life sounds so drab and miserable and horrible and whaa whaa whaa. I think that #1 - he's missing the point #2 - he's taking things I say too personally except that #3 - it still hasn't gotten him to pick up his socks, has it?

In any case, I hate to think that this blog is all about complaining. It isn't supposed to be. Perhaps one of my resolutions is to make more of an effort towards a positive outlook?

This week I'll post a few pictures from our Trip to New York. I'm not telling you all about it, because a few things are better left never mentioned ever again. I'll be posting about the things too good to forget.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Happy New Year -- you do not complain too much. Love this picture -- I stole it to use as my desktop background!